Terms Of Use

The Healthdivine website (the “Website”) and all associated features and services are subject to the following terms and conditions (the “Terms”) (collectively, the “Service”).

By using or accessing the Service, you agree to be bound by these Terms. Please refrain from using the Service if you do not agree to these Terms.


Only personal, non-commercial use of the Service is allowed. The Service may not be used for any unlawful or unauthorized purposes. The Service may not be used to harass, abuse, slander, or otherwise violate the rights of others.


You may be able to upload user-generated material via the Service, such as reviews, ratings, and comments. You give Healthdivine a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide license to use, display, reproduce, and distribute your user-generated material on any media platforms and via any channels, including social media, by submitting it.

You certify that you are authorized to submit the material and that it complies with all applicable laws, including those relating to intellectual property, privacy, and trademarks.


The material on the Service is offered only for informative reasons; it is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or recommendations about a person’s health. The Service should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical issues as it is not a replacement for expert medical care.

You should consult with a qualified healthcare expert if you have any medical issues or queries.


Healthdivine or its licensors are the exclusive owners of all material on the Service, and as such, all such content is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This includes all text, graphics, photos, and logos. Without Healthdivine’s prior written approval, you are not permitted to duplicate, distribute, or use the material in the creation of derivative works.


The Service is offered without any warranties of any kind and “as is.” Apart from the implicit warranties of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, and non-infringement, Healthdivine makes no representations or guarantees of any kind, whether explicit or implied.


HealthDivine will never be held responsible for any losses, including but not limited to indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, that result from using or not using the service.


The Terms may be changed at any moment and without prior notification by Healthdivine. Your consent to be bound by the amended Terms is shown by your continuing use of the Service after any such change.


Without warning or responsibility, Healthdivine has the right to stop providing the Service or restrict your access to it at any moment.


Without regard to any considerations of conflict of law, these Terms shall be governed by and interpreted by the laws of the state of Delhi.


Any past was written or oral agreements or understandings are superseded by these Terms, which are the entire agreement between you and Healthdivine. The other sections of these Terms shall continue in full force and effect if any provision is deemed to be defective or unenforceable.